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Tuesday, 14 March 2017

String based program

String program #5 (Input/read character)

Enter any character: a
Entered character is: a

The program for the string program is written in C# programming language and will accept a character as input. Based on the entry of character, it returns the output. We can input/read character in 2 ways:
1.    Automatically postback after reading an input
2.    Reading first character from the input string
String based program

Note: If you are new to C# and Console Application. Try to code First C# Program

Note: Read articles on how to use Loops and Conditions.

Let’s find out a simple and easy way to code the program. But, before that let’s understand what we are doing in this article. We are learning how to input/read a character. There are 2 ways in doing that:
1.    This is the best way to read/input a character. It automatically postback after reading an input, you do not need to submit the value. We are using the Keychar attribute of ReadKey() method to read character. Console.ReadKey().KeyChar

2.    But if your requirement is like - the user can type any string but we only want the first character from the input string then you can use the 2nd way. We are using the Read() method (char)Console.Read()

Practical Implementation:

using System;

namespace patternProblem.String
    class String5     //input/read character
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //How to read/input a character?

            //Best way to read/input a character. It automatically postback after reading an input, you donot need to submit the value.
            Console.Write("Enter any character: ");
            char ch = Console.ReadKey().KeyChar;
            Console.WriteLine("Entered character is: " + ch);
            //But if your requirement is like- the user can type any string but we only want the first character from the input string then you can use
            Console.Write("Enter any character: ");
            char ch1 = (char)Console.Read();
            Console.WriteLine("Entered character is: " + ch1);


The input character here is ‘a’. So, program will return the input character as input. The output is shown below:

Enter any character: a
Entered character is: a
Press any key to continue . . .

Some Other Facts:

There are 3 other facts which can also be used to input/read character.
o   We all know that to read string on console application we use Console.ReadLine() method
o   But if we use the above method to read/input character it work fine when input string is of length 1
o   But if its length is greater than 1 it throw run-time exception. Unhandled Exception: System.FormatException: String must be exactly one character long.

Practical Implementation:

using System;

namespace patternProblem.String
    class String5     //input/read character
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //How to read/input a character?

            //Some other facts

            //1. We all know that to read string on console application we use ReadLine() mehtod
            Console.Write("Enter string: ");
            string str = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("Entered string is: " + str);

            //2. But if we use the above method to read/input character it work fine when input string is of length 1
            Console.Write("Enter string: ");
            char ch2 = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine("Entered character is: " + ch2);

            //3. But if it's length is greater than 1 it throw run-time exception
            //Unhandled Exception: System.FormatException: String must be exactly one character long.
            Console.Write("Enter string: ");
            char ch3 = Convert.ToChar(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine("Entered character is: " + ch3);


The input character here is ‘a’. So, program will return the input character as input. The output is shown below:

Enter any character: a
Entered character is: a
Press any key to continue . . .

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