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Friday, 29 June 2018

Common Error Multiple Choice Questions

In these questions, find out whether there is an error in it.

1. You must either (a)/ be regular with your studies (b)/ and study for longer period before the examination. (c)/ no error (d)

2. The new taxation rates (a)/ announced by the government (b)/ are bound to effect the export sector. (c)/ no error(d)

3. These days, job opportunities are not as better (a)/ as that used to be (b)/ in the early 70’s. (c)/ no error(d)

4. When viewed with his point of view, the (a)/ entire episode assumes (b)/  a different colour altogether. (c)/ no error (d)

5. On many occasion (a)/  we did helped the poor (b)/  people way by of giving them food and clothes to put on. (c)/  no error (d)

6. Unless it is accepted to both the parties an (a)/  arbitrator would be no (b)/  us to settle this dispute. (c)/  no error (d)

7. Although the manager was keen on getting the work (a)/  done through Sudhir yesterday, (b)/  he tries to avoid it (c)/  no error(d)

8. The various consequences of (a)/  the decision taken by the (b)/   finance ministry was not foreseen by the bureaucrats. (c)/  no error (d)

9. We never considered him to be a person who would (a)/  go back on his promise and (b)/  then do not even apologize. (c)/ no error (d)

10. Having finished at school (a)/  Raghu thought going to Bombay in (b)/  search of some job. (c)/  no error(d)


1. C
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. C
9. C
10. A

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Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Microwave Engineering Multiple Choice Questions

 Electronics and Communication Multiple Choice Questions

1. A two-cavity Klystron amplifier has the following characteristics: Input power = 5milliwatt
Resistance of input cavity = 30 K Ohm. Calculate the input RMS voltage?
a. 12 V
b. 13.45 V
c. 12.25 V
d. 15 V

2. The efficiency of a depressed collector is ?
a. 5 to 6 per cent
b. 5 to 20 per cent
c. 100 per cent
d. less than 5 per cent

3. The tube life in the case of a TWT is nearly?
a. 10,000 hours
b. 20,000 hours
c. 50,000 hours
d. 1,00,000 hours

4. The frequency range of a backward wave oscillator (BWO) is?
a. 1 Ghz to 200 Ghz
b. 1 Ghz to 1000 Ghz
c. 1 Ghz to 500 Ghz
d. none of these

5. The microwave oven used by a house-wife consists of a?
a. BWO
b. magnetron
c. TWT
d. All of these

6. The application of varactor didoes includes?
a. harmonics generation
b. active filter
c. pulse  generation and pulse shaping
d. all of the above

7. The PIN diode can be used as a?
a. switch
b. amplitude modulator
c. phase shifter
d. all of the above

8. The application of schottley barrier diodes includes?
a. low noise mixers
b. balanced mixers in CW radars
c. microwave detectors
d. All of the above

9. The frequency range of a tunnel diode oscillator is up to?
a. 100 GHz
b. 200 GHZ
c. 400 GHz
d. 50 GHz

10. IMPATT diodes can be used as?
a. microwave generator
b. modulated output oscillator
c. receiver local oscillators
d.  all of the above


1. C
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. D
9. A
10. D

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Monday, 25 June 2018


From the given alternatives, chose one which best expresses the given sentence in narration(direct/indirect) speech multiple choice question(MCQ).

1.”May you live long and prosper”, said the old lady to her son.
(A) The old lady blessed her son with long life and wished him prosperity
(B) The old lady prayed for her son’s long life and prosperity
(C) The old lady prayed for her son and said that he might live long and prosper
(D)The old lady blessed her son and prayed for his long life and prosperity

2.”Many happy returns of your birthday”, we said.
(A)We greeted him on his birthday
(B)We said that many happy returns of your birthday
(B)We wished him many happy returns of his birthday
(D)We prayed for many happy returns of his birthday

3.”Fie! a soldier and afraid of fighting “ said Babar.
(A) Babar exclaimed with surprise that a soldier should be afraid of fighting
(B) Addressing a soldier, Babar cursed him that he should be afraid of fighting
(C) Babar cursed the soldier who was afraid of fighting
(D) Babar cursed and exclaimed that a soldier should not be afraid of fighting

4. He said to Sita, “When do you intend to pay back the money you borrowed from me?”
(A) He enquired Sita when did she intend to pay back the money she borrowed from him
(B) He enquired Sita when  she intended  to pay back the money she borrowed from him
(C) ) He enquired Sita when  she intended  to pay back the money she had borrowed from him
(D) He enquired  when Sita  intended to pay back the money she borrowed from him

5.”So help me Heaven!” he cried, “I never steal again.”
(A) He wanted Heaven to help him so that he would never steal again
(B) He exclaimed to Heaven that he would never steal again
(C) He exclaimed Heaven to help him that he would never steal again
(D) He called upon Heaven to witness his resolve never to steal again

6. She said, “I’ll give you Rs-100 to keep your mouth shut.”
(A) She said that she would give him Rs-100 to keep his mouth shut
(B) She offered him Rs-100 to keep his mouth shut
(C) She suggested to him that she would give him Rs-100 to keep his mouth shut
(D) She proposed that she would give him Rs-100 to keep his mouth shut

7.”Doctor“, the patient cried,  “please tell me how much time I have.”
(A) The patient pleaded the doctor how much time she will have
(B) The patient exclaimed to the doctor that how much time she had
(C) The patient pleaded with the doctor to tell her how much time she had
(D) The patient cried to the doctor that how much time had she

8.”Let’s give a party”, said Jaya. “Let’s not”, said her husband.
(A) Jaya suggested giving a party but her husband answered in the negative.
(B) Jaya suggested giving a party but her husband opposed the idea.
(C) Jaya suggested giving a party but her husband contradicted her.
(D) Jaya suggested giving a party but her husband refused.

9. He said to her, “Did it shake you up as much as it shook me ?”
(A) He asked her if it had shaken her up as much as it shook him
(B) He enquired of her if it shook her up as it shook him
(C) He enquired of her it it shook her up as much as it had shaken him
(D) He asked her if it had shaken her up as it had shaken him

10. The Chief Minister said, “What a disaster the earthquake is!”
(A) The Chief Minister cried that the earthquake was a terrible disaster
(B) The Chief Minister expressed with surprise that the earthquake was a terrible disaster
(C) The Chief Minister exclaimed with sorrow that the earthquake was a terrible disaster
(D) The Chief Minister told in pain that the earthquake was a terrible disaster


1. C
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. C
8. A
9. D
10. C

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How to control Anger: Tips to stay calm guaranteed

Welcome to Imagination Hunt. If you 've been having before welcome back and if it's your first time subscribe our website notification. Today I am sharing Anger Management Technique that will help you in controlling your anger.

It doesn't take a lot to make the person angry what about you did some stupid cut you off on the freeway or maybe your girlfriend or boyfriend accidentally shredded that birthday card that your parents sent you. so you freaked out or scream maybe a vein pops out of your forehead, it happens to everyone but did you know that anger is actually affecting your physical health. Anger is inevitable, you can't just stop getting angry even the world the most sedate person has uttered a few choice words in traffic well that ex would have fessed really make you better, punching the wall really calm you down the answer is 'NO'.  The recent study found that people with anger management issues tend to get sick more often their anger actually weakens their immune system.

Steps to control anger 

Step 1: Control your breathing. when something pissed you off instead of screaming or laying on the horn take a deep breath to spend 2 to 3 minutes breathing deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. Imagine inhaling calm blue air and exhaling that air toxic air.

Step 2: Relax your muscles unclench your fists and make a conscious effort to loosen those shoulders but for now, let those muscles unwind I promise it will help

Step 3: Get it out once. Once you are relaxed and breathing deeply. If it's a road rage thing obviously, please pull over but when you get chance to write down exactly what made you angry.

Step 4: Seeking context. It's important to put your anger into context by thinking rationally instead of emotionally thinking about it you gonna be angry tomorrow.

By examining your anger this way you can just place yourself from anger and you will be able to process your anger without letting it take over your life. Let's recap you need to find a healthy way to process your anger or else you could run into some really dangerous health problem. We can't promise you won't get angry even again but hopefully, with this you've found a way to deal with it. 

Read more article Why you feel tired all the time
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Thursday, 21 June 2018

How to capture image in Xamarin Forms? – Solved

Hi developers, I am writing this blog for helping one of my internet friend who asked for my help.

Query – How to capture an image in Xamarin Forms? And image size should not be greater than 5MB in size?

In this article, I have explained not only how to capture an image by phone camera but also an easy way to validate the size of an image (highlighted in yellow color) whose size should not be greater than 5MB in size with a real-time example where one can use this and learn more.

In this example, I am capturing an image using Mobile Camera using Xamarin Forms.

(Note: You need to install Xamarin.Mobile(or xamstore-xamarin.mobile) from Nuget package manager)

Practical Implementation:


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<ContentPage xmlns="http://xamarin.com/schemas/2014/forms"
            <Button Clicked="TakeAPicture_Clicked" />


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Xamarin.Media;
using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Xaml;

namespace DemoXamarin
       public partial class TakeAPicturePage : ContentPage

              public static MediaPicker MediaPicker;
              public TakeAPicturePage ()
                     InitializeComponent ();

        private async void PickAPicture_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (IsBusy)

                IsBusy = true;

                var picker = MediaPicker;
                if (!picker.IsCameraAvailable)
                    Console.WriteLine("No camera!");
                        MediaFile file = await picker.PickPhotoAsync();

                        byte[] bytes = new byte[0];

                        var memoryStream = new MemoryStream();

                            bytes = memoryStream.ToArray();

                        //Validating image
                        int fileSize = bytes.Length;
                        if (fileSize > 5242880)
                            Console.WriteLine("File Attachment should be less than 5 MB");
                    catch (OperationCanceledException)
            catch (Exception ex)
                IsBusy = false;


Hope you find the article helpful and interesting. For any query, comment us below.


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International Yoga Day: Importance You Need To Know

In India 21st June is celebrated as International Day of Yoga. Yoga is fundamentally a spiritual discipline based on an extremely precise science which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and science for a healthy living. The word “Yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit root ‘yuj’ meaning “to join”, ”to yoke” or “to unite”. 

Yoga is not a set of exercise that keeps the body fit. It enhances health assurance and wellness. According to Yogic scriptures, the practice of Yoga leads to the fusion of an individual consciousness with the universal consciousness.  According to modern scientists, everything in the world is just a manifestation of the similar quantum firmament. One who experiences or fell this oneness of existence is said to be “Yoga” and is termed as a yogi who has attained a state of freedom, referred to as mukti, nirvana , kaivalya or moksa.

Yoga works to the extent of one’s body and soul. “Yoga” also refers to an intellectual science comprising of discipline through which human beings can achieve union between the body and mind to attain self-realization. The aim of Yoga practice is to overwhelm all kinds of sufferings that lead to a sense of freedom in every walk of life with holistic health, happiness, and harmony.

Share your Yoga experience with others and make them happy. 
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Monday, 18 June 2018

How to find relationship between Purchase order table and Cost Center in Dynamics AX? – Solved

Hi developers, I am writing this blog for helping one of my internet friend who asked for my help.

Query - How to get Financial Dimension Cost Center value for the Report in Dynamics AX? He needs financial dimension cost center value for Purchase order report. 

Solution Query:

left join DimAttributeOMCostCenter CC on CC.VALUE = D1.DISPLAYVALUE
where D3.NAME = 'CostCenter'

Hope you find the article helpful and interesting. For any query, comment us below.


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