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Thursday, 25 June 2015


Today in Engineer's World, we are discussing a very important topic of C# -String in very easy way. Posted By- +Manish Kumar Gautam +LIV WIRE +ASP.NET SOLUTIONS

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3. ToLower()
ToLower() method is used to convert the specified character or string to lowercase from the given string. Its return type is string.

Example- Suppose we have a string that has four fields name, education, mobile and email and we need to lowercase the string?

Practical Implementation:

namespace AspnetSolutions
    class Substring
        public static void
            string str = "Name=Tapan,Education=BCA,Mb=xxxxxxx,Email=Tap@tap.com";
            //Using ToLower()
            Console.WriteLine("Using String: " + str.ToLower());
          Console.WriteLine("Using Substring: " + str.Substring(str.LastIndexOf("T")).ToLower());



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In the output window, we have two different outcomes. Let's understand each one of them.
a) Using String- First one lowercase the given string. 
b) Using Substring- Second one shows how we can get a sub part of the given string using substring() method and display them in lowercase. For ex- fetching out 'Tap@tap.com' and lowering its case to make it 'tap@tap.com'.

4. ToUpper()
ToUpper() method is used to convert the specified character or string to uppercase from the given string. Its return type is string.

Example- Suppose we have a string that has four fields name, education, mobile and email and we need to uppercase the string?

Practical Implementation:

    class Substring
        public static void
            string str = "Name=Tapan,Education=BCA,Mb=xxxxxxx,Email=Tap@tap.com";
            //Using ToUpper()
            Console.WriteLine("Using String: " + str.ToUpper());
          Console.WriteLine("Using Substring: " + str.Substring(str.LastIndexOf("T")).ToUpper());

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In the output window, we have two different outcomes. Let's understand each one of them.
a) Using String- First one uppercase the given string. 
b) Using Substring- Second one shows how we can get a sub part of the given string using substring() method and display them in uppercase. For ex- fetching out 'Tap@tap.com' and upper casing its character to make it 'TAP@TAP.COM'.

Related Questions: 

Q-1 What will be the code to get the output? 

Ans- There are many ways to get the output. But one possible solution based on what we have studied in strings till now is mentioned below:

    class Substring
        public static void
            string emailAddress = "ImagiNaTiOnHuNT.BlogSpOT@asd.in";
            Console.WriteLine("Email Address = " + emailAddress);

            string holdername = emailAddress.Substring(0, emailAddress.LastIndexOf("T") + 1);
            string domainpart = emailAddress.Substring(emailAddress.IndexOf("@") + 1);
            Console.WriteLine("HolderName = {0} \nDomainPart = {1}", holdername.ToUpper(), domainpart.ToLower());

Q-2 Suppose we are not using the System Namespace then which of them will result in error?

//using System;                ------------------->Commenting out System namespace
    class Substring
        public static void
            string Abc ;
            String Xyz ;

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A) Both having error, string Abc and String Xyz.
B) Both run perfectly, string Abc and String Xyz.
C) Only string Abc
D) Only String Xyz
Ans- Option (D).

Keep learning and sharing...

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