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Tuesday, 31 March 2020

LGBT - Accept it or just back off

Love is love.

An acronym almost everyone is familiar with but, almost everyone is not ready to accept it. LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender. Firstly, let me brief you about what these terms really mean.
L- Lesbian stands for women who are romantically/emotionally or sexually attracted to women.
G- A gay guy is who is romantically/emotionally or sexually attracted to men.
B- Bisexual stands for the ones who are romantically/emotionally or sexually attracted to both sex or different from their own.
T- Transgender is a term used to describe people whose gender identity differs from what they have assigned during birth.

There is a "disease" in which people around us are suffering from this LGBT pride. This disease is known as homophobia. Symptoms of this disease are negative and absurd feelings towards the individual who comes under this community. For curing this disease, the LGBT community is fighting for itself from ages but the recovered count is much less than the infected count.
People of this community are labeled which I feel is not necessary because they are the same as every other human being around us or even better. We don't need to differentiate them from others. It doesn't matter which gender one is in love with what matters is he/she is getting to experience it.

People in this community faces a lot more problems than we can think of. We are living in this 21st century and still, we have to deal with all this absurdness. It's like people are just not ready to listen and understand the situation. Some people even call it a phase just to undermine their self-affirmation. Even one's parents reject their child. They consider their child sick, they think that they are diseased but instead, it's vice-versa. Well after the rejection of their parents they are rejected socially from almost everywhere be it restaurants, clubs, parks, and other places. They can't rent a place to live because of homophobia in people. Couples of this community can't hold hands together in public like others.

In 2018 the Supreme Court of India decriminalized homosexuality under the penal code of 377. After such measures also, people are just not ready to accept the people of this community.
This society is full of hypocrites and a prime example is people are accepting the people from this community for namesakes but they are not ready to own this among their own family or friends. People accept them but superficially. Due to this issue, it's quite discouraging to come out for people who belong to this community.

Because people around us are double-faced and it's scary. They might accept at your face but what's going in their mind you never know. I know people say it should not affect what other thinks, but to survive in this society you need to think about that. This is one issue another issue is people are not ready to talk about it. They just try to avoid the topic with the person who came out to them. They need to understand it's a big thing to come out to anybody and if somebody is doing that to you that means you are quite important in their life, your views matter to them.

So instead of avoiding the topic, you should talk it out, it will help both the parties. And as the topic says if you can't support them then please don't torment them.

Hope you find the article interesting... 

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Posted By - Tripda Chaudhary
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5 steps recipe for Self-Love

Self-love is as important as oxygen in our life which is somewhat similar to the old saying “If we can't love ourselves then we can't love others”. To live a healthy life, self- love is important. There's also a saying, "God helps those who help themselves". So, what I am trying to convey from the above inference is - if you will love yourself, then only you'll be able to pass it on to your parents, sister, brother, friend, and every other human in this world.

We get involved in our daily life so much that we forget to take care of ourselves and its quite obvious in this fast pacing world. It happens with everybody be it working men/women or non-working, even students.

I am the eldest amongst my siblings in my family so, I understand the responsibility that is implied to me. I have to do household chores from cleaning to cooking, then have to deal with the work stuff. My whole day is passed just like that. And during all these things it is difficult to take time for yourself. We get just one day off in a week for ourselves i.e. Sunday of course. But from my point of view, it is necessary to give yourself time daily because it's human nature that we care for our family more than we care for ourselves. Among all these daily stuff we just forget ourselves. And now when we are in this lockdown and sitting at home, why not just utilize this time on our family and our self. It's the best way to utilize this time. 

Neelam's Recipe

1. Know yourself - The first step to start working on yourself is to know yourself, explore yourself. Jot down your preferences, your hunger, your desires, about the world, the people that surround you and, above all the opinion you hold about yourself. This is for you to do. Don’t ask for other people’s opinions. If you’ve been comparing yourself to others and try to change as per others' opinion, you immediately need to stop that. And if you want to improve, stop thinking and start exploring the inner you. Start to ask yourself the “why" of things and examine certain attitudes of yours for others. I have started this by myself. My father always says that change happens when strong people take risks so start making small decisions without the help or advice of others.

2. Accept your emotions - You are not a slave to your emotions - even if it sometimes feels, like it. Your reaction is your reaction not what others say or do. Your emotions come from your thoughts, and you should learn that by now.

3. Train to control your thoughts - Emotion is energy in motion, a physical reaction to a thought. If you can control your thoughts, then you are capable of controlling your emotions. Emotions are not "good or bad", every emotion has its function: Fear protects you, anger allows you to defend yourself, put limits on, and show others what bothers you, sadness allows you to mourn and identify a lac, happiness allows you to feel great.

4. Protect Yourself – Avoid people that sound fake and open the doors for the right people into your life. You can easily sense that who acts as your friends and take pleasure in your pain or loss rather than in your happiness and success. My advice to you here is to get rid of them! There isn't enough time in your life to waste on people who want to take away the shine on your face rather I will say, you should love and respect yourself more.

5. Learning to listen to yourself – When someone says listen to yourself, it feels ridiculous how can we do that? But this means two things. Firstly, paying attention to how you talk internally and this is going to be really crucial to cultivate an intimate feeling of self-love. Secondly, in the emotional sense sometimes you can get valuable feedback from yourself.

Hope you find the article interesting... 

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Posted By – Neelam Saroj
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Monday, 30 March 2020

Love or Lust. Which one is real?

Don’t let your hormones control you

L-word is complicated, scary and sometimes special, but which one is the right feeling? There is a thin line of difference between these two and it takes a lot to identify it. In today's time, youngsters and teenagers are just running for a relationship like cats and dogs. I don't understand if they really want a companion or just a person in their lives to compete with others, to show-off or just to maintain their social status. I feel like people feel intimidated by the person who has a so-called boyfriend or girlfriend. I mentioned so-called because you don't know what's going on in the life of others, it can be as awesome as your dream life or it can be as worse as hell.

This society is social media controlled, and if you would have noticed, nobody is sad on social media. For some strange reason, everybody is happy and satisfied, but is that the reality? You can't judge a person based on their social account or just by their dressing sense or his/her rank in society. So, the person you think you love or he/she loves you back is it actually the reality? Love is a very heavy word, it is not just a 4-lettered word. Love what I think is sacrifice, trust, understanding each other, respecting each other and what not but not just having intercourse. Nowadays relationships are judged based on their sex count or sex experience.

And somewhere around, people have also lost faith from each other as they just look for a physical relationship. And that's quite fair because people have just lost their humanity and sanctity on which any relationship can be built. A good enough example would be dating sites. They were made for people to bring love in their life, to have a companion. But what's the reality, people use these apps for hookups or for one-time sex. Well, I don't really know which one is right to use love or lust, and I am not here to tell that. I just want to convey that love can be deceptive too. The feeling which you're experiencing in the name of love can be lust also. Especially for teenagers who have just hit puberty misunderstood the concept of love. It can be infatuation or lust.

It's your call at the end of the day what are you feeling, but just don't be confused among them.

Hope you find the article interesting... 

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Posted By - Tripda Chaudhary
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Sunday, 29 March 2020

EPPlus Life Saver Hacks in C#

Hi developers, if you are following my Excel development series and find the EPPlus library really helpful while reading and write excel in C#, then below article is going to be a lifesaver for you.

Naming your sheet
var worksheet = excel.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Phone Call");

Giving your Sheet Tab a Background color
worksheet.TabColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;

Styling the rows and columns
worksheet.Row(1).Height = 20;
worksheet.Column(1).Width = 4;
worksheet.Row(1).Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
worksheet.Row(1).Style.Font.Bold = true;
worksheet.Row(1).Style.Font.Italic = true;
worksheet.Row(1).Style.Font.Name = "Arial"; //Font-Family
worksheet.Row(1).Style.Font.Color.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.White); //Font-Color
worksheet.Row(1).Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;            worksheet.Row(1).Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 176, 240)); //Row Background Color
worksheet.Row(1).Style.WrapText = true; //Wrap Text in Row
worksheet.Column(1).Style.WrapText = true; //Wrap Text in Column
worksheet.Row(1).Style.Border.Top.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
worksheet.Row(1).Style.Border.Bottom.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
worksheet.Row(1).Style.Border.Left.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
worksheet.Row(1).Style.Border.Right.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;

Setting for Report Header and Footer
worksheet.HeaderFooter.ScaleWithDocument = true;
ExcelHeaderFooterText header = worksheet.HeaderFooter.FirstHeader;
header.LeftAlignedText = "Phone Call List\n & BZone - III";
header.RightAlignedText = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
ExcelHeaderFooterText footer = worksheet.HeaderFooter.FirstFooter;
footer.RightAlignedText = $"Page {ExcelHeaderFooter.PageNumber} of {ExcelHeaderFooter.NumberOfPages}";
footer.CenteredText = ExcelHeaderFooter.SheetName;
footer.LeftAlignedText = ExcelHeaderFooter.FilePath + ExcelHeaderFooter.FileName;

Changing Page Layout
worksheet.View.PageLayoutView = true;
worksheet.Column(10).PageBreak = true;
worksheet.Row(10).PageBreak = true;

Setting printer settings
worksheet.PrinterSettings.FitToWidth = 1;
worksheet.PrinterSettings.FitToHeight = 1;
worksheet.PrinterSettings.FooterMargin = .70M;
worksheet.PrinterSettings.TopMargin = .70M;
worksheet.PrinterSettings.LeftMargin = .60M;
worksheet.PrinterSettings.RightMargin = .60M;
worksheet.PrinterSettings.PaperSize = ePaperSize.A3;
worksheet.PrinterSettings.Orientation = eOrientation.Landscape;
worksheet.PrinterSettings.Scale = 74;
worksheet.PrinterSettings.RepeatRows = worksheet.Cells["1:2"];
worksheet.PrinterSettings.RepeatColumns = worksheet.Cells["A:E"];

Setting Header in Excel Sheet
worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Value = "S.No";
worksheet.Cells[1, 2].Value = "Call Id";
worksheet.Cells[1, 3].Value = "Company";
worksheet.Cells[1, 4].Value = "Contact";
worksheet.Cells[1, 5].Value = "Phone";
worksheet.Cells["A1:E1"].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
worksheet.Cells["A1:E1"].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(0, 176, 240));

Styling Cells
worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Value = recordIndex - 1;
worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Style.WrapText = true;
worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Style.VerticalAlignment = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

Setting Cell border
worksheet.Cells["A" + recordIndex + ":E" + recordIndex].Style.Border.Top.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; //Top
worksheet.Cells["A" + recordIndex + ":E" + recordIndex].Style.Border.Bottom.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; //Bottom
worksheet.Cells["A" + recordIndex + ":E" + recordIndex].Style.Border.Left.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; //Left
worksheet.Cells["A" + recordIndex + ":E" + recordIndex].Style.Border.Right.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; //Right

Setting Column AutoFit

Way – 1: Writing and Reading Files to/from excel
//Saving File to Excel
FileInfo excelFile1 = new FileInfo(@"E:\DemoEPPLUS.xlsx");

//Reading File from Excel
var fileBytes = File.ReadAllBytes(@"E:\DemoEPPLUS.xlsx");

Way – 2: Writing and Reading Files to/from excel
//File name with .xlsx extension 
string strPath = @"E:\DemoEPPLUS.xlsx";

//Checking if file exist then create else delete then re-create
if (File.Exists(strPath))

//Creating Excel file
FileStream fileStream = File.Create(strPath);

//Write calls content to excel file 
File.WriteAllBytes(strPath, excel.GetAsByteArray());
Disposing Excel Object

Related Questions:

Ques- What does Dispose() method do?
Ans- It releases all resources held by any managed object that these Excel references.

Hope you find the article helpful and interesting. 

Comment us any other useful properties while developing Excel using EPPlus.

Click imagination hunt to read the latest blogs.

Posted By – Manish Kumar Gautam
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Saturday, 28 March 2020

5 ways to make a long-distance relationship strong and beautiful

There is no need to sugar-coat that long-distance relationships are tough. I can feel this very well on my own because I myself in a long-distance relationship. My fiancé is a merchant navy person, and I know how to be with him. He is miles away from me, so I can better understand how these long-distance relationships are being maintained.  Being miles away from your love is not an easy task as it puts stress on the relationship and both of us because it requires an extraordinary amount of trust and dedication to each other. If we make it out perfectly, only then we can make our relationship beautiful.

It is not quite simple sometimes to keep the connection alive you once had when both of you were right beside each other. But Fret not, there are lots of ways to keep the romance alive in long-distance relationships.

Nowadays we have to stay away from home because of our work and not only from home, we also have to stay away from each other and our loved ones too. This is the main reason behind all long-distance relationships.

Sad thing is that you cannot look in each other eyes, give hugs and kisses or go on a romantic date. Without romance, the relationship is basically a friendship, which is not a bad thing, but being in a relationship people have craved something deeper, something romantic. We have to get creative by being in a long-distance relationship. Some tricky things will keep the romance alive, here are some ways I came out with to have romance in long-distance relationships.

1. You need to share everything, even things that your partner isn’t aware of and that’s the foundation of a long-distance relationship. Even if you are miles away there are some unspoken rules that you need to talk and discuss with your partner like commitment, exclusiveness, open-mindedness and so on.

2. The second and most important rule in a long-distance relationship is to be always honest. You might not believe it, but the moment you start lying, your partner will start feeling that something is wrong. No matter how good you are at lying, you can never completely hide when something is up. You must be caught/It can be seen by your changing behavior, your schedule, or two or three lies running into each other; whatever it is, your partner will notice. So, be honest and don’t lie else there is something you will never be able to repair.

3. Ask about your partner's health, show interest in knowing how was the day. It sounds sappy, but always text each other good morning and good night - It is feels exhilarated and good to let your partner know that you are thinking of them from morning tea till when you are going to sleep. If you are feeling super avid, ask your partner some thoughtful questions be creative and reconcilable with communication such as “How was your sleep?” or “Know each other schedule” or “Share some funny moments at work/home” or “You had Lunch or Dinner?” I am also doing this daily to make my relationship stronger.

4. Send photos, the text of your day. And make sure you are using a great messaging app. Messaging is the only valuable form of communication otherwise it is difficult to get in touch. Do video calls to them.

5. Let your feelings out – by singing or writing. Sing a song for them I think this is the best way to show your love and gratitude. It is a natural thing when we truly love someone and wanted to dedicate some romantic songs to them. Give words to your feeling, pour that word in sentences and compose a segment full of love when you are not able to talk.

Hope you find the article interesting... 

Please follow these for making your relationship strong and beautiful. Comment us your way of long-distance relationships.

Click imagination hunt to read the latest blogs.

Posted By - Neelam Saroj
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Friday, 27 March 2020

How to use EPPLUS to generate Excel in C#

Hi developers, the article is a continuation of the development in Excel series.

In this blog, we will go step by step to create Excel with option 2 which is EPPlus, in fact, most recommended because of its easy to use and numerous functionalities.


EPPlus is a third-party .NET library with the source package from ExcelPackage that reads and writes data to/from Excel files using Open Office XML format (xlxs). With EPPlus you can have multiple sheets with complete customizations.

Create a new Console Application
1. Open Visual Studio.
2. Create a New Console Application (.NET Framework).
3. Type a name for your project in the Name field.

Click OK.

The new project appears in Solution Explorer.

Add References

In Solution Explorer, right-click on your references folder and then click Manage NuGet Package and search for EPPlus by EPPlus Software AB.

If you want to use are reliable version then search for version
Else want to go with the latest version then directly click install and add some configurations.

Click Install.

If you have installed the latest version add the configuration else skip the configuration part. You need to add some configuration in the app.config file of your project which says you are using the NonCommercial version of the library.

    <!--The license context used-->
    <add key="EPPlus:ExcelPackage.LicenseContext" value="NonCommercial" />

Practical Implementations

1. Open the Program.cs/Class1.cs file.
2. Add the below namespace before starts developing an Excel file.

using OfficeOpenXml;
using OfficeOpenXml.Style;

3. Your complete code will look like this:

using OfficeOpenXml;
using OfficeOpenXml.Style;

using System;
using System.IO;

namespace DemoConsoleApplication
    public class CreateExcelFileUsingEPPLUS
        //Check the EPPLUS App.config we are using the Non-commercial license product
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            //Creating Static Calls data
            var Calls = new[]
                    Company="2ML Real Estate",
                    Contact="Max Louis",
                    Company="100 Club of Houston",
                    Contact="Rick Robert",

            //Install EPPLUS from nuget package manager console.
            //Creating an instance of ExcelPackage class
            ExcelPackage excel = new ExcelPackage();

            //Name of the sheet
            var worksheet = excel.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");

            //Setting the properties of the worksheet
            worksheet.TabColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
            worksheet.DefaultRowHeight = 12;

            //Setting the properties of the first row
            worksheet.Row(1).Height = 20;
            worksheet.Row(1).Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
            worksheet.Row(1).Style.Font.Bold = true;

            //Setting the header of the Excel sheet
            worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Value = "S.No";
            worksheet.Cells[1, 2].Value = "Call Id";
            worksheet.Cells[1, 3].Value = "Company";
            worksheet.Cells[1, 4].Value = "Contact";
            worksheet.Cells[1, 5].Value = "Phone";

            //Inserting the Call data into excel
            //sheet by using the for each loop
            //As we have header value in the first row 
            //so, we will start with the second row
            int recordIndex = 2;
            foreach (var Call in Calls)
                worksheet.Cells[recordIndex, 1].Value = recordIndex - 1;
                worksheet.Cells[recordIndex, 2].Value = Call.CallId;
                worksheet.Cells[recordIndex, 3].Value = Call.Company;
                worksheet.Cells[recordIndex, 4].Value = Call.Contact;
                worksheet.Cells[recordIndex, 5].Value = Call.Phone;
            //Column width AutoFit() method here. 

            //File name with .xlsx extension 
            string strPath = @"E:\DemoEPPLUS.xlsx";

            //Checking if file exists then create else delete then re-create
            if (File.Exists(strPath))

            //Creating Excel file
            FileStream fileStream = File.Create(strPath);

            //Write calls content to excel file 
            File.WriteAllBytes(strPath, excel.GetAsByteArray());

            //Disposing Excel object
            Console.WriteLine("Excel File created successfully");


Call Id
2ML Real Estate
Max Louis
100 Club of Houston
Rick Robert

Related Questions:

Ques- What does the workbook mean?
Ans- The workbook is like a book with one or multiple sheets.

Ques- What are the different aspect which EPPlus cover?
Ans- EPPlus supports Cell styling, Formulae, Auto height, validation, Charts, and, many more...

Hope you find the article helpful and interesting. 

Comment us your way/any other way to create Excel.

Click imagination hunt to read the latest blogs.

Posted By – Manish Kumar Gautam
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