Xamarin is a mobile development platform by
which you can make cross-platform apps. Actually, it is one of the best
cross-platform development tools which help the developer to code in Visual
Studio with C# language to create apps that can run on any mobile platform
whether it is native Android, iOS or Window. That’s great. Without knowing the mobile platform language
your app will be executing on different devices. This sound really exciting.
“Xamarin solves a lot of
problems, save time and money. Not just from the developer end, but also from a
client perspective.”
get a clue what this statement means. Don’t worry, I will explain this - Just
take a scenario, what if you are working on a project as Java Developer where
client demands an Android app. You work day and night to deliver their app on
time. And after the delivery, if the client asks you to make the same app for the
iOS device. Just think how impossible task it may be for you to create an iOS
focus and understand below point very seriously.
faced by Developer’s: -
Money - As per the scenario you are
not from an iOS background. It is merely impossible to learn Swift or Objective
C quickly.
Time - Same time is taken or may be
more than your level expertise.
Problem - And it is very much clear
that this app can’t be exactly same. It may have different functional and
visual appearance.
faced by Clients: -
Money - Designing the same and exact
app may cost you double or more than double.
Problem - Hiring different team for
handling native Android and iOS app. Extra manpower problem.
Time - Time wastage in development
and app upgrade.
Hope you
find the article interesting.
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