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Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Sarahah: A popular app that allows you to share ‘honest’ feedback anonymously

"Sarahah" means 'Honesty' and the purpose of this app is to Improve your friendship by devising your strengths and areas for improvement. Comment your friend's positive
 honest feedbacks.

So Below mentioning some of the factors that are needed to understand. Some factors also start creating the problem for users.

1) Not all the Sarahah messages/feedbacks are "Practical/constructive".

2) Psychologically unhealthy for the young generation.

3) Spreading hatred and inciting social crime is easy.

This blog is not to warn you against using this app. We will not say that the app is not good to use, but we have to be wise about how we use it in a positive manner. As said Technology, if used positively can result in the creation of new phase but when misused can lead to a path of destruction.

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