In our previous blog, we have discussed
the fourth SQL Server Data Type category i.e., Character Strings Data Type.
In this blog, we are going to discuss
the fifth category i.e., Unicode Character Strings Data Type.
V. Unicode Character
Strings Data Type: -
are string Unicode data type of either fixed length or variable length.
Note: What does
Unicode means? Unicode is an international encoding standard for use with
different languages and scripts, by which each letter, digit, or symbol is
assigned a unique numeric value that applies across different platforms and
The following table lists the Unicode Character
Strings Data Types in SQL Server with minimum and maximum range value: -
Things to Remember:
1. Prefix ‘N’ with Unicode
Character Strings Data Types.
2. We use ‘nchar’ as ‘nchar(n)’, here n indicates the
digits it can hold. The storage size is 2-times n-bytes. Similarly, we use ‘nvarchar’
as ‘nvarchar(n)’ or ‘nvarchar(MAX)’.
3. When we declare a variable with ‘nvarchar(MAX)’
data type, then the variable can hold the maximum storage size of 2GB.
4. The default length for ‘nchar’ or ‘nvarchar’ data
type when n is not specified is 1. And every single character will occupy two
times its storage size.
Practical Implementation: -
In this
practical we’ll see how the default length is 1? when given data types are used
as variable declaration. And also the number of bytes used to represent a
single character.
A) For ‘nchar’
data type:
declare @strValue nchar;
set @strValue=N'LIVEVIAR';
select @strValue as Value,LEN(@strValue) as StringLength,
DATALENGTH(@strValue) as StringStorageSize;
Value StringLength StringStorageSize
------- ----------------- ------------------------
L 1 2
B) For ‘nvarchar’
data type:
declare @strValue nvarchar;
set @strValue=N'LIVEVIAR';
select @strValue as Value,LEN(@strValue) as StringLength,
DATALENGTH(@strValue) as StringStorageSize;
Value StringLength StringStorageSize
------- ----------------- ------------------------
L 1 2
5. The default length during the CONVERT and CAST
function when n is not specified is 30.
Practical Implementation: -
In this
practical, when one of the data type is converted with the CONVERT and CAST
function to another data type, the default length is 30.
Important note:
When ‘n’ is not specified in ‘nchar’ or ‘nvarchar’ with CONVERT and CAST
declare @strValue nchar(35);
set @strValue= N'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
select @strValue as InputString, LEN(@strValue) as InputStringLength,
DATALENGTH(@strValue) as InputStringStorageSize,
convert(nvarchar,@strValue) as OutputString_Convert,
LEN(convert(nvarchar,@strValue)) as OutputStringLength,
DATALENGTH(convert(nvarchar,@strValue)) as OutputStringStorageSize
B) For ‘CAST’
declare @strValue nchar(35);
set @strValue= N'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789'
select @strValue as InputString,
LEN(@strValue) as InputStringLength,
DATALENGTH(@strValue) as InputStringStorageSize,
CAST(@strValue AS nvarchar) as OutputString_CAST,
LEN(CAST(@strValue AS nvarchar)) as OutputStringLength,
DATALENGTH(CAST(@strValue AS nvarchar)) as OutputStringStorageSize
6. Storage space or the number of digits it may hold
is a very important thing. You may understand this by reading the next two
lines. If you unknowingly convert a ‘nvarchar(MAX)’ type to ‘nchar’ type, then
the extra digits will be truncated, which is not good. This result in heavy
data lost.
7. Choosing right data type for each column reduce
backup time, improve SQL Server performance and improve the execution time for
queries, views, joins.
Microsoft News Alert-
Data Type like ntext, text, and image will be removed in a future version of
SQL Server. Try not to use or avoid using these data types in new development
work, and plan to modify applications that currently use them. Replacement for
these data types are nvarchar(max), varchar(max), and varbinary(max).
Now the
question comes to our mind. How to use these Data Type?
Let’s understand and learn how to use
these data types in some real situation. The situation is something like – we
have a complaint page where users post his complaint by entering his username,
an image relating to his complaint and his brief complaint query.
For this, we will create a table, i.e.,
tbl_UnicodeCharacterStringsDataTypes. In which, values are inserted into each
column with respect to their column data type. After inserting the record
successfully. We’ll also learn how to return or view those inserted records
using a select statement. Just follow the below-mentioned steps:
Step-1: Open a New Query window in
the SQL Management Studio instance.
Step-2: Create a table using create
statement. As you can see in the create statement - I have used all the data
type just to get an idea - How and where to use each and every type?
create table tbl_UnicodeCharacterStringsDataTypes
CustomerName nvarchar(40),
ImagePathUrl nvarchar(max),
AccountStatus nchar(3),
ProductQuery ntext
Step-3: Just press Execute button or
F5 key to run that creates statement query. I am hoping you have written the
exact query that I have mentioned. Once clicking the execute button you will
get a message “Command(s) completed successfully.”
Step-4: Now you need to insert a
record based on the column type. No problem, just copy the below code that I
have created for you. Before copying, I would strongly encourage you to
understand each and every column value. Now, Execute the insert query. You will
get the message “(1 row(s)
affected).” It implies that you are doing things in a right
insert into tbl_UnicodeCharacterStringsDataTypes(CustomerName,ImagePathUrl,AccountStatus,ProductQuery)
values(N'Imagination Hunt',N'C:\Users\Liveviar\Pictures\872918c190b4368e9c52e5ccfba2a6ef.jpg',N'No',
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Step-5: Lastly, view the inserted
record by executing the select query.
select * from tbl_UnicodeCharacterStringsDataTypes
Explanation On Table Column: -
This column accepts a string value as we are using ‘nvarchar’ data type. We
have also restricted the user that his name must fall within the 40 characters’
Data type like ‘nvarchar(max)’ or ‘ntext’ can be used to store the large path
or string or the image path or the file location.
Account status column reminds us whether the query comes from a registered user
or from some anonymous user. For ex- if status is ‘Y’ user is registered else
‘N’ un-registered user. And for storing a single fixed-length character, we are
using ‘nchar’ data type by limiting its size to 1.
For storing large string values, queries or text, we can use ‘ntext’ or ‘nvarchar(MAX)’
data type.
Lastly, I
always force coders to act smart while working with different data types. It’s
not a good practice to use high precision data type every time.
By this, we
learn how and where to use Unicode Character Strings Data Type in SQL Server.
For any
query, comment us below.
Related Questions: -
Q-1 In this
below mentioned SQL Server query, what will be the output for StringStorageSize
declare @strValue nvarchar(4);
set @strValue=N'LIVEVIAR';
select @strValue as Value,
DATALENGTH(@strValue) as StringStorageSize;
A) 4
B) 8
C) None of
the above
Option (B).
Explanation- As per the query we have to undergo certain keys:
(i) the
variable ‘@strValue’ is of nvarchar data type, which fall under Unicode
Character Data Type category.
(ii) Length
is 4. [because the value of n=4 in nvarchar(4)].
function return number of bytes used i.e., 2*4=8.
Hence, the output
for StringStorageSize is 8.
Q-2 Which one
of the following is invalid Unicode Character String Data Type?
A) varbinary
B) ntext
C) nvarchar(max)
D) nvarchar
Explanation: varbinary belongs to Binary String Data Type. And
the rest ntext, nvarchar(max) and nvarchar belongs to Unicode Character String
Data Type.
Keep learning and sharing...
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