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Thursday, 24 August 2017

Going through the relationship with a phase of fights? Need Solution

Are the fights still continuing over a year?

Do you love the person but fight every time you try to talk?

With getting in touch with anyone on this planet getting easier day by day; working hard to keep that special is getting harder day by day. You must be wondering throughout your day that I love this person and everything but the moment you two get together you feel that you stopped connecting. Let us discuss, two of the main reasons of feeling out of love, when with them:

1. Reality v/s illustration: People always have a tendency to image things rather than acting on the present situation. It happens same when people start to imagine their relationship, be it being influenced by movies, other couples, news or any imagination in your head. Stop for a second and let the person give you something rather than imagining and to give a break, many people need to stop giving scenarios to their better half just to test them and their love after years into
the relationship.

2. Trust: There is a difference between people being possessive and having trust issues. Possessive is being adorable that you are a little jealous of someone eyeing your loved one. And being jealous, not trusting because you have a weird feeling because they make new friends and the new friend tends to become more interactive in nature.

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Wednesday, 23 August 2017

Sarahah: A popular app that allows you to share ‘honest’ feedback anonymously

"Sarahah" means 'Honesty' and the purpose of this app is to Improve your friendship by devising your strengths and areas for improvement. Comment your friend's positive
 honest feedbacks.

So Below mentioning some of the factors that are needed to understand. Some factors also start creating the problem for users.

1) Not all the Sarahah messages/feedbacks are "Practical/constructive".

2) Psychologically unhealthy for the young generation.

3) Spreading hatred and inciting social crime is easy.

This blog is not to warn you against using this app. We will not say that the app is not good to use, but we have to be wise about how we use it in a positive manner. As said Technology, if used positively can result in the creation of new phase but when misused can lead to a path of destruction.
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Tuesday, 1 August 2017

Are you having ample sleep and still see those dark under eyes?

Are you sick of seeing yourself with those deep, dark under eyes?
Not to fret, we will help you with some tips to vanish the under eye and have that baby eyes with
sparkling eyes.

1. Eye Pads: you can easily see eye pads on various online stores to soothe your eyes and give them a
refreshing look. If you don’t trust the eye pads, we can DIY them at home itself. Soak a cotton ball in
rose water or cold milk as an eye pad. Keep the cotton balls for 15 minutes and wash your face
gently. For better results do it twice a day.

2. Oil massage: Massage is the best to relax and rejuvenate your body in the best possible way. You
can use coconut oil which is found mostly in our households. The oil is full of nutrients and
nourishes the under eye skin which will help you to vanish the darkness.
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